777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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This is what I was alluding to earlier, if they take up their option, they gain control of Everton, they could form, an interim, board even with other creditors and even restructure debt and ensure mid to long term funding. Administration works for no one. It means Moshiri looses effective control of Everton, but he still holds a stake.

When you mentioned Bell earlier being in touch with the club daily, my first thought was - his company Blyth enforce the security on the MSP loan and is the above already being negotiated behind the scenes. My only hesitation is the Stadium and if the club loose control of it.

If/when 777, falls through and lets be honest, the Titanic has less holes in it then their takeover pitch, then I don’t see what else Moshiri has open to him to keep us as a going concern, unless he funds us again or has an alternative investor ready to agree a deal.

@matty1878 as requested mate.
My bet is that he has been behind all of this......

All over Sky Sports News today. Nothing really new being reported but at least it is shining a light on the fiasco and highlights the need to resolve urgently.

This Standard Liege stuff HAS to be the last straw, surely?

(The last straw should have come long ago, but the fact that this is directly football related should trigger more of a response from PL etc?)
It is getting quite funny - with all these red flags the PL are going to look pretty stupid with their fit and proper persons test if they allow it to proceed.
