777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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Why don't we as a fanbase have the same passion on who owns us , as we do regarding the points fiasco ? Curious
Because the points fiasco and getting safe was the first thing, this whole takeover we just dont have any info on what is going on like if it is close, have the league agreed it ect. Is all just paper talk on how bad 777 is, looks like he fan pressure will be starting soon so we csn get info on what is going on

Is msp any different not as well crazy as all the 777 stuff but will still be looking to run the club on the cheap
I don’t mind new purchasers looking to get us on the cheap and playing a little brinksmanship, if it means they have more capital to invest in us. There is only person maintaining this fiasco by holding everything up and that is Moshiri but I’m afraid he is going to have to take a large bath financially.
I don't blame them though, Anybody coming in immediately faces paying huge debts that they didn't run up, that's before you even start contemplating the prospect of putting money into the club. Moshiri can stick his over inflated asking price, he deserves the bare minimum if anything.
Same, anyone who shows a sensible business brain is exactly who we want. If it's someone who does it for passion, it's highly likely we get another Kenwright

Incidentally, sounds like someone high up at MSP is an Evertonian. I'm not convinced that's a good thing
I don’t mind new purchasers looking to get us on the cheap and playing a little brinksmanship, if it means they have more capital to invest in us. There is only person maintaining this fiasco by holding everything up and that is Moshiri but I’m afraid he is going to have to take a large bath financially.
Dont think msp have the money aswell but does say would look for others to join, i am not sold on msp aswell. But at this point we dont have anyothers atm

An important paragraph from Mark Douglas in the I, and chimes with something I said a bit earlier on, that MSP might not want to take full responsibility themselves but are far, far better placed to bring in investors with them than 777 ever will be.

i has been told of alternative interest in Everton – including “credible” investors who could possibly support creditors MSP Sports Capital if they decide to enforce an option to acquire a controlling stake in the club – but they continue to wait in the wings as the 777 takeover process drags on.

This is what I was alluding to earlier, if they take up their option, they gain control of Everton, they could form, an interim, board even with other creditors and even restructure debt and ensure mid to long term funding. Administration works for no one. It means Moshiri looses effective control of Everton, but he still holds a stake.

When you mentioned Bell earlier being in touch with the club daily, my first thought was - his company Blyth enforce the security on the MSP loan and is the above already being negotiated behind the scenes. My only hesitation is the Stadium and if the club loose control of it.

If/when 777, falls through and lets be honest, the Titanic has less holes in it then their takeover pitch, then I don’t see what else Moshiri has open to him to keep us as a going concern, unless he funds us again or has an alternative investor ready to agree a deal.

@matty1878 as requested mate.
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Is msp any different not as well crazy as all the 777 stuff but will still be looking to run the club on the cheap
MSP wanted spurs, so there is definitely cash on the table, also having Everton supporters as part of the ownership sounds a bit better then those dodgy car salesman. I know there Interest was really in the stadium not the club though, but you never know.

Just them showing interest would be a good thing and hopefully open the eyes of a few more potential buyers.

I just want to stop hearing anything about 777 related with our club, and Mosh to do do one :bye:
