Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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It really annoys me how much media presence this guy has. He's consistently wrong about almost everything, has no connection with the club and seems to be loathed by a good portion of the fan base. Yet he still gets picked up by loads of outlets as if he's an expert or a fan representative when, quite clearly, he is neither of these things.
He does enough to attract attention with hysterical but plausible headline grabbers for clickbait - that is social media for you - any real journalists left ?
It really annoys me how much media presence this guy has. He's consistently wrong about almost everything, has no connection with the club and seems to be loathed by a good portion of the fan base. Yet he still gets picked up by loads of outlets as if he's an expert or a fan representative when, quite clearly, he is neither of these things.

Exactly mate, he’s as entitled to an opinion as anyone but who has declared his more important than anyone else’s?

And they are just his opinions no matter how loudly he trumpets them as facts.
I would suggest that would’ve already been done by now if it was a possibility.

The Premier League are onto these jokers. They have their number. Moshiri is too thick to get the hint, but there’ll come a point when he’s forced against his will to entertain alternative buyers. There is ZERO chance this lot get approved and own this football club. None whatsoever.
I gave that an 'Unsure' because given the lack of common sense in Moshiri AND the Premier League you ever can tell.

If they do take charge they won't last long...hopefully
and we just have to last longer
You will get posts often on here saying he was led astray etc and feeds into that victim narrative mate.

Its not just the sale. Its his ownership and the impact on the club. The sale is another extension of it.

Undoubtedly, lobby against the board saw their removal, undoubtedly protest and pressure saw 10 points reduced to 6, then a nominal 2 for the second charge.

The protest and lobby is powerful. Its not what more can the fans do, its we've done a lot and achieved a lot - but the protest is powerful and impacts and we need to use it again.

My point is, the above are symptoms of Moshiri, he put the board in place - they act at the discretion of the majority shareholding, he decided to flout PSR arrogantly thinking hed get away it.

The focus of protest has been on the symptoms, not on Moshiri as the virus - that has to change - he cant arse about with the clubs welfare as we dead head into the summer having to sell more of our best players just to fill a financial black hole of his creating, nor that he can without consequence and impunity just keep kicking the can the road destabilizing the club holistically - by backing the 777 mirage. No.

Who will kids put on the back of the their shirts next season, Richalison gone, Gordon gone - can we say for certain come Aug, Pickford, DCL, Brathwaite and Onana will be here, no. How many seasons do we go on and passively accept we "have to sell" because we need the money - how many seasons has it been, how many relegation battles has it been.

There is a malaise about Moshiri, hes a PR genius, he has purposely used puppets or issues as a lightening rod to take the heat away from him.

Loose the board - appoint himself on it. Reduce points deductions - his business makes £170 mill. Hes won everyway - on the back of our protest. There have been no external consequences for him - bar those of his making.

Its all comes back to him as the head of the snake.

Like i say we have been protesting against symptoms, Moshiri is the virus.

He has to be the focus.
That's a great post to be fair, consider me back in my box

It really annoys me how much media presence this guy has. He's consistently wrong about almost everything, has no connection with the club and seems to be loathed by a good portion of the fan base. Yet he still gets picked up by loads of outlets as if he's an expert or a fan representative when, quite clearly, he is neither of these things.
Loathed is a bit strong, or you would at least hope so. I think he quickly got addicted to the ITK status and perhaps enjoys the attention too much, but he was a good mod on here and always came across as a kind and empathetic fella.
Not really though because nothing that comes out of his mouth can be trusted and he will break that promise without a moment’s thought.

He’s probably hoping to be gone by then so he doesn’t have to bother but if he’s still around I wouldn’t count on it taking place anyway.
Exactly my thoughts mate

If he knows it will be concluded around that date it gives him a get out to speak to no one.
Question to Dyche - if things are done right off the field, is there an exciting future for this club?

Answer - “we’ll see.” Straight face

Christ. Close to the edge here, as suspected.
O guess I’d rather have my expectations managed and my intelligence not insulted as opposed to Mr ‘Sunshine’ Martinez who always said everything was phenomenal
He does enough to attract attention with hysterical but plausible headline grabbers for clickbait - that is social media for you - any real journalists left ?
Exactly mate, he’s as entitled to an opinion as anyone but who has declared his more important than anyone else’s?

And they are just his opinions no matter how loudly he trumpets them as facts.
You have to take most of the media with a pinch of salt as they nearly all talk wham - but get paid for it
Nobody pays me for talking wham so I hope he's making a few bob out of it.
He's doing what most of us are - giving it his best guess
It's up to us if we believe it

Just sayin like

Anything below a 30% stake doesn't have to pass the fit and proper person test mate.
He won't pay them back I feel, allegedly & they 777 have been a front for someone else who is funding us who the prem would never accept as a backer ... I would not be surprised if Moshiri or an other will still control us next season when all the high wage players are got rid of ..... & will be paid for the fact they have stood in to allegedly keep us afloat .....

Our last backer went to court with the EU & won all his assets back super yachts & properties - do fans realise he was going to hand over a new ground he ploughed money into in its infancy to someone else ?
The aim of staying in the premiership has been achieved, let's hope all this is sorted when EFC become a going concern financially
Also, the money they’ve “loaned” us should be leveraged against Moshiri and not the new owners or the football club. He should be made to repay the whole lot personally.
Maybe the terms are that he is liable himself to pay whilst they do not own the club, once they are confirmed in place it becomes equity. This would explain why he is hanging on and hanging on (as unlikely as it sounds)
