777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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Oh, on a list of potential owners, you wouldn’t even have them as a last ditch back up plan. But I would be astounded if the regulatory authorities in the US and UK get beaten to the scoop by 3 blokes on Twitter that just repost each others articles and add “This is what I think too. Great work.” I’ve said before, they may be right, may be wrong. But it’s all very stressfull for fans, and legions of Evertonians are hanging on every speculative words of a bloke that has historically got everything wrong, but has the brass neck to just keep on trucking. Thats what I don’t like. Its not fair. It doesn’t feel like they want to help, feels like they want to say told you so.

People can blame the PL all they like. They can just keep requesting info as infinitum. They will not come out and reject them. It’s up to Mosh and 777 to stop proposing the sale, there is no deadline. If these are as bad they seem, it’s entirely the fault of Mosh and the club for pushing on with the charade. Mosh, I can see he is that gullible. But a transaction of this size, there will be lawyers and accountants and tax specialists (from the US end) from both sides all over it. For NONE of them to ask what the hell we are we playing at if these haven’t got proof of funds, it is really really bizarre. Its like me approaching Wolves owner and saying I’d like to buy the club, and it getting all the way to the final stages after 6 months of investigation before anyone asks if I have any money.

As far as I am aware, they have proven to Moshiri/ the Club that they have got sufficient funds. Where it comes from or whether they have more funds than simply giving Moshiri what he's asking for is another matter.

Ultimately something isn't right or else this would all have been approved weeks/ months ago.
As far as I am aware, they have proven to Moshiri/ the Club that they have got sufficient funds. Where it comes from or whether they have more funds than simply giving Moshiri what he's asking for is another matter.

Ultimately something isn't right or else this would all have been approved weeks/ months ago.

what could it be? tho

and could it be hand hand with the announcement?
Aren't a lot of those charges for City not complying with the prem when they been asked to produce documents etc, so every time they refused and appealed the prem has hit them with another charge. I could be wrong like.

It's worse than not just complying. Man City have been systemically cheating the system to gain advantage, and it worked.


what could it be? tho

and could it be hand hand with the announcement?
Suspect the Premier League have concerns around the source of their funds and their ability to funds us as a going concern.

If what has been reported is true, then they are ultimately going to load us with debt. They aren't facilitating the purchase with their own money, it's borrowed from elsehwere.

They also, by accounts, only intend to repay MSP if they can sell equity in their football business. So, they are relying on the purchase of us to make their football business more attractive which will in turn help them generate income via new investors or further lending.
I doubt very much that Moshiri is ‘quite happy’ as having insinuated that 777 are the best option to takeover the club from him, they still appear to have failed to submit the necessary audited accounts and proof of financial liquidity to the PL.

As far as I am aware, they have proven to Moshiri/ the Club that they have got sufficient funds. Where it comes from or whether they have more funds than simply giving Moshiri what he's asking for is another matter.

Ultimately something isn't right or else this would all have been approved weeks/ months ago.
If I'm reading what AndyC is saying here correctly, the hold up seems to be that the latest set of financial statements have not been audited and signed off by an independent auditing firm. So perhaps initially, they submitted the prior years signed off financial statements which showed them to be liquid and a suitable candidate.

So if the hold up is that they're hesitating to get the latest numbers audited, it could signify that there is something that they don't want to get found out?

That's a major red fag, IF that is the case.
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Suspect the Premier League have concerns around the source of their funds and their ability to funds us as a going concern.

If what has been reported is true, then they are ultimately going to load us with debt. They aren't facilitating the purchase with their own money, it's borrowed from elsehwere.

They also, by accounts, only intend to repay MSP if they can sell equity in their football business. So, they are relying on the purchase of us to make their football business more attractive which will in turn help them generate income via new investors or further lending.

someone else then will come in?
Oh, on a list of potential owners, you wouldn’t even have them as a last ditch back up plan. But I would be astounded if the regulatory authorities in the US and UK get beaten to the scoop by 3 blokes on Twitter that just repost each others articles and add “This is what I think too. Great work.” I’ve said before, they may be right, may be wrong. But it’s all very stressfull for fans, and legions of Evertonians are hanging on every speculative words of a bloke that has historically got everything wrong, but has the brass neck to just keep on trucking. Thats what I don’t like. Its not fair. It doesn’t feel like they want to help, feels like they want to say told you so.

People can blame the PL all they like. They can just keep requesting info as infinitum. They will not come out and reject them. It’s up to Mosh and 777 to stop proposing the sale, there is no deadline. If these are as bad they seem, it’s entirely the fault of Mosh and the club for pushing on with the charade. Mosh, I can see he is that gullible. But a transaction of this size, there will be lawyers and accountants and tax specialists (from the US end) from both sides all over it. For NONE of them to ask what the hell we are we playing at if these haven’t got proof of funds, it is really really bizarre. Its like me approaching Wolves owner and saying I’d like to buy the club, and it getting all the way to the final stages after 6 months of investigation before anyone asks if I have any money.
If the information people are putting out about them ( and there is a considerable amount ) is incorrect they could provide evidence to refute it.
It seem that the most recent on line missive from Wander ( if it was him of course) , was an ad hominem attack rather than any attempt to deny the contents of the reports.
I am always of the opinion that when people choose to discredit the messenger rather than then address the message, they have lost the argument or don’t have an argument in the first place.
The ‘sporting integrity ‘ you seek will prove elusive and has probably never existed at least since the game turned professional.
Perhaps if all the monies that came into the game were pooled and equally distributed among the clubs, players wages were capped , the amount of players a club could employ was also capped you could achieve the level playing field you idealise.
But in the absence of that, you will have to accept the game is and always has been about who can spend the most money effectively.
Whatever you think, City won the league playing excellent football and I think it’s sad you are unable to appreciate that , because watching excellence on the pitch should be what football is about.
You are making it solely about finance.

Again I disagree with the premise mate. You present City as extension of something that has always been. I don’t agree with that. For the reasons I’ve stated.

The emergence is artificial, contrived, unfair and in all honesty largely in breach of every rule in the game, City isn’t sport, there is no earned merit and defies competition. It hasn’t risen from something that’s earned or created with merit or integrity it’s contrived, but purposely contrived by deceit.

If you think Cty is legit and actually something do with sport, it’s falling into colluding with the tripe Sky Sports and the PL have conditioned the nation into.

Would I want what happened to City to be Everton, no way it’s would be the death of this club.

What you are saying is the end justifies the means if you enjoy watching it, if all you want to watch is good football and don’t mind if it’s cheated and hurt the football world to do it that’s fine. I enjoy seeing teams bring a lad through like a Saka, Martinelli, a Rooney or Branthwaite see them in a club team, and have a tilt at titles, rather then come up against a team that’s contrived to hoover up every trophy artificially through pumping it with steroids.

Ask yourself why are you trying to legitimise what City do……UEFA have already forums the, guilty, 115 charges pending … it’s not just one lads opinion, the world of football knows, it’s pumped up artificially unfairly.
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Oh, on a list of potential owners, you wouldn’t even have them as a last ditch back up plan. But I would be astounded if the regulatory authorities in the US and UK get beaten to the scoop by 3 blokes on Twitter that just repost each others articles and add “This is what I think too. Great work.” I’ve said before, they may be right, may be wrong. But it’s all very stressfull for fans, and legions of Evertonians are hanging on every speculative words of a bloke that has historically got everything wrong, but has the brass neck to just keep on trucking. Thats what I don’t like. Its not fair. It doesn’t feel like they want to help, feels like they want to say told you so.

People can blame the PL all they like. They can just keep requesting info as infinitum. They will not come out and reject them. It’s up to Mosh and 777 to stop proposing the sale, there is no deadline. If these are as bad they seem, it’s entirely the fault of Mosh and the club for pushing on with the charade. Mosh, I can see he is that gullible. But a transaction of this size, there will be lawyers and accountants and tax specialists (from the US end) from both sides all over it. For NONE of them to ask what the hell we are we playing at if these haven’t got proof of funds, it is really really bizarre. Its like me approaching Wolves owner and saying I’d like to buy the club, and it getting all the way to the final stages after 6 months of investigation before anyone asks if I have any money.

Exactly mate, lacks any merit, jeopardy or sporting integrity.

I find it sad to be honest, old City were a great club with character, they arent there any more just something contrived and pumped with steroids moulded into something freaky. But it’s not real or built out of skill.

To be honest, I think the get an easier ride in the U.K. in the media, in Europe and in the press they are widely acknowledged as lacking any integrity.
Sorry mate. Just don’t agree.

The vehicles for getting money into that club are unnatural, unfair and unorganic therefore undermining any sense of sporting aveivement - when that’s the context it’s not hard, we want a manger let’s get the best in the world in Pep, we want a centre forward - eh let’s get Haaland. We want an academy let’s throw money at all the young players,

115 charges and they’ve already been done by UEFA.

It’s not real and lacks sporting integrity.

They are not a real dynasty the way say Utd were, they are a KFC artificially steroid pumped chicken.

City as a club are dead. You’d miss them they were a real football club and had a real culture.

Nice to watch mind, like the Harlem Globtrotters.

I don’t take them seriously.
I don't disagree with what you are saying about City, but the Man Utd dynasty you mention is not without taint either. It's not a coincidence that Utd's arrival as regular league winners coincided with the changes to the European cup. The group stages starting in the mid 90s, quickly followed by entry to league runners up from some countries both allowed Man Utd to have an income stream beyond their competitors.

Man U, Arsenal and the RS all pushed for those changes to the European cup for purely selfish and greedy reasons, and that is what has eventually created Chelsea and Man City as superclubs.

That they lacked the foresight that people/states would buy clubs to try and get some of the riches that they had their eyes on, is their own fault.

I don't disagree with what you are saying about City, but the Man Utd dynasty you mention is not without taint either. It's not a coincidence that Utd's arrival as regular league winners coincided with the changes to the European cup. The group stages starting in the mid 90s, quickly followed by entry to league runners up from some countries both allowed Man Utd to have an income stream beyond their competitors.

Man U, Arsenal and the RS all pushed for those changes to the European cup for purely selfish and greedy reasons, and that is what has eventually created Chelsea and Man City as superclubs.

That they lacked the foresight that people/states would buy clubs to try and get some of the riches that they had their eyes on, is their own fault.

But that income was true merit, not just pick a team and feed it steroids, it also game as a result of nurturing and developing players in the main, therefore has integrity.

I didn’t pretty like Utd but I’d never say what they did lacked integrity like with City.

Utd regressed after Ferguson, I don’t think City will regress if they loose Pep. Theyl just get the new or next Pep and give him a fortune and unlimited funds.
Again I disagree with the premise mate. You present City as extension of something that has always been. I don’t agree with that. For the reasons I’ve stated.

The emergence is artificial, contrived, unfair and in all honesty largely in breach of every rule in the game, City isn’t sport, there is no earned merit and defies competition. It hasn’t risen from something that’s earned or created with merit or integrity it’s contrived, but purposely contrived by deceit.

If you think Cty is legit and actually something do with sport, it’s falling into colluding with the tripe Sky Sports and the PL have conditioned the nation into.

Would I want what happened to City to be Everton, no way it’s would be the death of this club.

What you are saying is the end justifies the means if you enjoy watching it, if all you want to watch is good football and don’t mind if it’s cheated and hurt the football world to do it that’s fine. I enjoy seeing teams bring a lad through like a Saka, Martinelli, a Rooney or Branthwaite see them in a club team, and have a tilt at titles, rather then come up against a team that’s contrived to hoover up every trophy artificially through pumping it with steroids.

Ask yourself why are you trying to legitimise what City do……UEFA have already forums the, guilty, 115 charges pending … it’s not just one lads opinion, the world of football knows, it’s pumped up artificially unfairly.

From January 23.

“We know we were right. We wouldn’t decide if we didn’t think we were right.”

“As a trial lawyer for 25 years, I know that, sometimes, you win a case that you are sure you will lose,” Ceferin added. “And, sometimes, you lose a case when you’re sure … You just simply have to respect in a serious democracy the decision of the court.
“I don’t want to speak about the case in England. But I trust that the decision of our independent body was correct. I didn’t enter into this decision.”

City had already paid Uefa €20 million to settle an FFP case in 2014 when further evidence of wrongdoing emerged that saw a new investigation opened in 2019.

The Premier League began an investigation of its own that same year into the same accusations – unencumbered by any time bar – and its pursuit of City is now into its fifth year.

They were found guilty by UEFA twice and got the two-year suspension overturned on a technicality.
But that income was true merit, not just pick a team and feed it steroids, it also game as a result of nurturing and developing players in the main, therefore has integrity.

I didn’t pretty like Utd but I’d never say what they did lacked integrity like with City.

Utd regressed after Ferguson, I don’t think City will regress if they loose Pep. Theyl just get the new or next Pep and give him a fortune and unlimited funds.
Without the changes to the European cup, I don't think they would have dominated the way they did. They wouldn't even have qualified for the '99 European cup without those changes, let alone win it.

It is obviously very different to what City are doing, and they would probably have still dominated English football in the 90s and 00s, but in no way can they say their domination was built purely on sporting merit. There was a massive change in financial power at just the right time for them, and they took advantage of it to the fullest.
Again I disagree with the premise mate. You present City as extension of something that has always been. I don’t agree with that. For the reasons I’ve stated.

The emergence is artificial, contrived, unfair and in all honesty largely in breach of every rule in the game, City isn’t sport, there is no earned merit and defies competition. It hasn’t risen from something that’s earned or created with merit or integrity it’s contrived, but purposely contrived by deceit.

If you think Cty is legit and actually something do with sport, it’s falling into colluding with the tripe Sky Sports and the PL have conditioned the nation into.

Would I want what happened to City to be Everton, no way it’s would be the death of this club.

What you are saying is the end justifies the means if you enjoy watching it, if all you want to watch is good football and don’t mind if it’s cheated and hurt the football world to do it that’s fine. I enjoy seeing teams bring a lad through like a Saka, Martinelli, a Rooney or Branthwaite see them in a club tea, and have a tilt of titles, rather then come up against a team that’s contrived to hoover up every trophy artificially through pumping it with steroids.

Ask yourself why are you trying to legitimise what City do……UEFA have already forums the, guilty, 115 charges pending … it’s not just one lads opinion, the world of football knows, it’s pumped up artificially unfairly.
I do appreciate the your points.
But I also disagree.
City won the league playing the best football they could afford , they didn’t cheat on the pitch and that is where football is played .
They also develop players through their academy like other clubs.
Financial advantage is something that reoccurs throughout the history of the game.
We had it in the 60’s under JM and were disliked for it , but in that period we produced some of the finest football teams I have ever seen.
The purity you seek has never existed .
The most successful clubs have always had a financial advantage , success breeds success .
When we were ahead of United in titles and they couldn’t buy a success, they paid the best wages by far because of their inherent financial advantage.
Clubs who have sustained success accumulate financial advantage along with it .
This alone warps the idea of a level playing field .
The idea of attempting to limit financial advantage , pursued by the authorities, while good in principal has merely had the effect of ring fencing the successful clubs , it is an artificial restraint that has failed and was always doomed to failure in hindsight.
Punishing clubs because they want to spend money is ridiculous.
Pool all money
Distribute equally
Limit squad sizes
Cap wages
Limit academy players
Put all this in place and you have the level playing field you desire.
Without these measures, we just have to accept it’s a warped sport and just enjoy the spectacle it provides , and pray Everton get lucky .
Or find a modern day equivalent of Brian Clough , the only manager who beat the financial big players consistently with Derby and Forest respectively.
Without the changes to the European cup, I don't think they would have dominated the way they did. They wouldn't even have qualified for the '99 European cup without those changes, let alone win it.

It is obviously very different to what City are doing, and they would probably have still dominated English football in the 90s and 00s, but in no way can they say their domination was built purely on sporting merit. There was a massive change in financial power at just the right time for them, and they took advantage of it to the fullest.

I think you can credit UTd on skill and merit to be honest mate. In the period Ferguson started, every single club could afford the players Utd could ourselves included they just did it better that was up to 94, in 94 he dismantled that team and built largely around lads they had developed at the club, we all know who they are in culminating in 99 and early 00s and they supplemented their team with greater resources - but that came from organic building, merit and integrity. Sure it helped that money started to flow into the PL and CL, but it still came on integrity and merit.

The difference between the, City, is Utd the catalyst was skill and youth development. With city it’s just money.

City is something freaky and fake, you could feel it or rather not feel it in our game there last week - it’s weird and fake, I think the fans are even just pretending g to enjoy it, I don’t think they really do though, there is no jeopardy or skill in it.

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