777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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None of us know the real facts involved here and I am including journalists in that.
There are no truer words said.

Huge overaction to the press & social media getting their daily fix of twisting the knife into Everton.

Not one of them will know the complex workings of the deal to buy the club.

Of course we all know Moshiri can't ( or won't) put money into the club so it does have to come from somewhere.
777 or any investors cannot afford to see the club go under and I'm pretty sure they will take decisions to ensure this never happens.
They legally cannot pump money into the club so it is what it says " interim" until they take control , this will be factored into the final price of the sale I have no doubt.

There's way too much speculation at the moment.
It comes down to the stadium.

I keep hearing people say “We shouldn’t have done the stadium”.

But hindsight is a marvellous thing. The whole funding was run by Usmanov really, he was going to sponsor the thing, he snook £30m into the accounts by signing a “first rights” to naming the stadium.

Who would have predicted Russia going to war and our backer being sanctioned? No one. The cruel twist of irony being, him being indicted meant no further money, but equally the cost of living crisis where our steel, gas, anything from the stadium probably would had been supplied by his own companies was forbidden.

Costs spiralled, we can’t keep up, and the coughers are dry.
Better get some Benylin for that
No investor will get involved with that level of risk in the first place.
It would get incredibly messy for 777 or any other owner to try to retrieve their investment from an organisation that is floundering.
They might as well charge 28% interest, it doesn't mean they will ever get paid.

777 will only invest if they can see a pathway that does not involve admistration... it would be lunacy to do otherwise. The risk of losing some or all of their investment would be huge.

None of us know the real facts involved here and I am including journalists in that.

The working capital loan says more about Moshiri than 777 or their bid. Moshiri has turned off the faucet, and this is a bridge loan to get the deal complete.

If the deal is not consummated, then it gets a bit messier.

Just said a second ago something similar.

Usmanov clearly knew something was amiss and that’s why he remained “silent”.

His relationship was very shady and we should have stayed well clear. But no one knew it would happen when it did, the worst possible time.

777 are undoubtedly worse, their eyes are on one thing and that’s owning the stadium and fleecing us for eternity.
But it won’t be eternity, I’d give it 24 months tops before we’re bled dry , if that.

There are no truer words said.

Huge overaction to the press & social media getting their daily fix of twisting the knife into Everton.

Not one of them will know the complex workings of the deal to buy the club.

Of course we all know Moshiri can't ( or won't) put money into the club so it does have to come from somewhere.
777 or any investors cannot afford to see the club go under and I'm pretty sure they will take decisions to ensure this never happens.
They legally cannot pump money into the club so it is what it says " interim" until they take control , this will be factored into the final price of the sale I have no doubt.

There's way too much speculation at the moment.
You don’t have to speculate about 777 and their business practices , or how they conduct themselves , there is already a weighty body of evidence out there and none of it is good .
But you can ignore that and dream of unicorns and fairies rushing to rescue us if you prefer.
I would imagine the new lot will stabilise us just enough to make sure their investment is ‘safe’ (which means mid table and in no danger of relegation - the TV money will be their main concern), before tightening the purse strings and trying to extract as much money as possible for their investors.
But it won’t be eternity, I’d give it 24 months tops before we’re bled dry , if that.
I don't think that's the plan. Even if 777 take ownership of some of the stadium via the loans defaulting then "buy" the rest, even charging us an affordable rent they'll make loads back over decades. Their plan won't be to drive us under, but essentially be lucrative landlords forever.

No idea where relegation fits into this plan though...

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