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  1. J

    Custom Everton kits

    Excellent work!!! Makes you wonder how so many teams stuff it up, just pop it up on a teams message board and vote. Tweasy.
  2. J

    Behind closed doors

    Where's the closed door money....? Bill ffs
  3. J

    Ross Barkley

    You're wrong mate. Sorry for my opinion but there are too many factors in play. What if the rest of the team see him as a some no name from the big leagues and won't pass him the ball... One example. What if he is a tad arrogant (or confident in his own abilities!) and the blokes who've been...
  4. J

    Team of your life

    Same, wanted Hinchcliffe but couldn't. Was my favourite when I was a young fella. He was Beckham before Beckham was Beckham. Crossingly speaking.
  5. J

    Team of your life

    Game set match there mate! Being a tad younger... GK Southall RB ....... Fook ummm Hibbert LB Baines CB Watson (Dave) CB Weir RM Kanchelskis LM Limpar :D CM Graveson! CM Timmy CF Dunc CF Rooney :(
  6. J

    Ross Barkley

    Tbf it can actually be quite difficult going down a "grade" or two from where you think you belong and performing. Sometimes you get complacent or the physicality can be a little unexpected and it takes time to deal with it. Or it can just be too damn easy... I can only compare it to my own...
  7. J

    How good can Mirallas be?

    That's the positivity we like hearing (slash reading...)
  8. J

    Ross Barkley

    Has he played much? How's he gone? Haven't kept up with Wednesday's fortunes much this season tbh :O
  9. J

    How good can Mirallas be?

    Might be the new Holland mate?
  10. J


    Benitez???? Hahahahaha... Wouldn't it be great if he won the premiership with them? Infinite lifetime popcorn opportunities hahaha
  11. J


    NOT MOCKING AT ALL!!!! Loved to have seen what Moyesy could have done with Getafe's millions though. He spent big on Fella but took a couple of years to get going. Would he have been given that long to for a big money player to become a star elsewhere?
  12. J


    Get Garcia Plaza in FFS
  13. J


    We were playin boss footy for big parts of the last 3rd of the season! Don't get me wrong, I wanna win everything poss but have much respect for what the Scot has done, or not done. If someone else was available that I thought could do a decent job then I'd go for it. Brendan Rogers could have...
  14. J


    Thinking worst case scenario... New manager comes in, the board sell a couple of players from under him. New bloke gets say half of that? Buys poo. Loses the team mentality that Moyesy has fostered. Can go to **** quickly. Don't forget how far we've been down half way through seasons before...
  15. J


    He was trying the Barcelona "false 10" formation. Didn't work like.
  16. J


    Fair call Davek, I see an issue with the "boards" stubbornness though, do we want to get relegated before positive change occurs?
  17. J


    Would you agree he may have a chance given cash? Like all the other top 4 club managers?
  18. J


    Better the devil you know!!!! I'd hate to think how much a new manager could screw things up, actually quite frightened... For some reason you feel everything is hanging on a knife edge you know... Skint, excellent players not getting the silverware they deserve and WANTED by the world's best...
  19. J


    I love how this has turned into "oh well thats that then he's gone"... Same **** happens every summer. Same as all these players we've been linked to. When will we ever learn.
  20. J


    Redknapp can go get fooked, don't want him anywhere near Everton. Horrible money wasting manager. Prefer Sam Allardyce *cringe*