msb's latest activity

  • msb
    You can only vote for the nearest answer to your own opinion. Anyone who thinks this squad is really top six, needs to give their heads a wobble. We have one, maybe two players of that standard. (Branthwaite and Pickford). Football fans do...
  • msb
    msb replied to the thread 2023/24 Youssef Chermiti.
    Thought overall he did well, no DCL in terms of holding the ball and bringing players in, but 100% effort and I have underpants older than him. A lot of promise on show.
  • msb
    msb reacted to samcdavies94's post in the thread 2023/24 Youssef Chermiti with Like Like.
    I was actually quite impressed with his strength for a 19 year old kid. Held the ball up fairly well and hustled their centre backs. Needs to finesse the knocks down though. Every header he connected full on, when often it need a glance...
  • msb
    Great result, a bit after the Lord Mayors show of a performance. But credit where it’s due, safe after a season of off field turmoil and some terrible footy.
  • msb
    msb replied to the thread 2023/24 Sean Dyche.
    It is clear that long term perennial losers, very seldom change to become successful. If the club have aspirations to win something, then give a fresh face or a proven winner* the role. N.b. * no current winning manager would join this debacle.
  • msb
    The huge difference is that the Esk has no say in club matters, he’s just an internet WUM. Marches against board members are against people who can impact the club - entirely useless protests, but at least targeted against the right people. I’m...
  • msb
    msb replied to the thread 2023/24 Sean Dyche.
    There have been flashes of good one touchpass and move football, one created a very good goal earlier in the season, too old and brain-addled to remember which one, but about 29 touches. Against the RS we did a great passing one touch move, I...
  • msb
    msb reacted to Benno's post in the thread 2023/24 Sean Dyche with Like Like.
    This is why forums exist and why we will all never agree on anything 😂 My own view is that he’s a very strong leader and there is much more to management than purely style of play and tactics. Keeping 30 players motivated and happy is no mean...
  • msb
    msb reacted to Gareth Gibson's post in the thread 2023/24 Dominic Calvert-Lewin with Like Like.
    I'm so proud of the lad. He has worked his socks off for this club this season in a very difficult role. That performance against the RS was worthy of that famous number 9 jersey.
  • msb
    I live near Manchester, went into the Cricket Club for the weekly quiz. Bladdered, never bought a beer all night. They all hate RS.
  • msb
    Dominic Calvert-Lewin's performance last night was nothing short of sensational. His ariel dominance had a huge impact on the game. DCL's decisive contribution not only secured a crucial victory for Everton but showed he's back this best.
  • msb
    Wow, what a night! The grand old lady rocked like it has not done for far too long. All players were on it, MOTM is hard to choose, but I went for DCL. Harrison, Pickford, Branthwaite were exceptional.
  • msb
    All this Forest VAR hoohaa, means they will get everything they appeal for. As if they wouldn’t anyway, but now nailed on.
  • msb
    I’ll take any bit of good luck at the moment. 3 valuable points, nothing mid-week and we go again next week. Terrible game, they were as bad as us. Ref was a disaster from minute one, equally for both sides.
  • msb
    msb replied to the thread The Everton Board Thread.
    Hmm, I’m a shareholder! Not sure I can afford the case though.