Recent content by markymark

  1. markymark

    Marco Silva

    Pretty unsure on this fella.
  2. markymark

    2017/18 Davy Klaassen

    So why do you???? You are a serious weirdo. Spending time and effort digging up old posts to show how great you are. Sad individual you.
  3. markymark

    Sam Allardyce

    Thanks. Tit.
  4. markymark

    Sam Allardyce

    I lurk on here. You are really weird. Thanks.
  5. markymark

    Tell me what you think...

    Would love it if you could get Hawksbee or Jacob on mate. Ownership, stadium moves, new fan bases, modern football, EFC viewed from London. That sort of stuff.
  6. markymark

    Europa League 2015-16

  7. markymark

    Bristol Evertonians

    This is a nice surprise. I am working this weekend, and managed to get a ticket for the Spurs match, so hopefully next season.
  8. markymark

    Greatest moment in Everton history?

    Round about this time next year I hope.