Muhamed Besic

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Arriving to the NT training camp with his father. His father's eyes just one thing but good news is it looks like that he bought a new jeans. Probably freezed in the torn one. :) And a Bosnian reaction to the pic: " It's so cool how we can ALWAYS depend on this guy, no matter what."


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This is nothing short of a witch hunt against Paul now. The mods need to get involved. Just because the lad criticises all the players, the manager, his fellow fans, the ground, Bill Kenwright, the Toffee lady, the fun zone, dancing stewards, Rocky and Mr Testicles, doesn't make the lad a kopite.
Totally agree mate, he's stopped posting, just like Holliday. We will miss their constructive negativity about all things Everton. Just hope @Kev The Rat can step up to the plate or maybe @radiostar.

Honestly, all you do is go around the forum winding people up, prolly then going back to RAWK and laughing about how you wound all the bitters up. You wouldnt know decent if it came up to you lifted up its skirt and begged you to smash it.


What the flick do kopites know about decent.
Well I'v not seen anything to suggest Besic is even decent yet.. He's proven and shown nothing.
Well I'v not seen anything to suggest Besic is even decent yet.. He's proven and shown nothing.
there were plenty on here who said the same of ross barkley, fortunately there are some amongst us who know a a player when we see it, and then you will be laughing on the other side of your face, and it will be us who has the last laugh, not on the other side of our face though, oh no, just the regular side

there were plenty on here who said the same of ross barkley, fortunately there are some amongst us who know a a player when we see it, and then you will be laughing on the other side of your face, and it will be us who has the last laugh, not on the other side of our face though, oh no, just the regular side
So you get one right that makes you right forever?

I don't want to bring up the great Coleman/hibbert wars, this is a new era, and the battle lines have been drawn, with you and your good friend paul in the red corner, and the besic aficionado's in the other, history will judge the winner
Notice you waited until Paul deleted his account before picking the fight though you pussyole.

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