Wembley Tickets

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yeah, ill basically be paying about £50 a game. But then id be paying extortionate odds for a semi ticket plus £200 for a cup final ticket if we get there and I dont...
Lesser of two evils?
Apparetly STH renewals start around "april time" so half season tickets should still be available after the Sunderland game if you're very quick and don't want to gamble on the result of that fixture.

This is all just curiosity, want to know how it would work

Yeah man I know. I just get very supersticious (sp) when it comes to Everton.

Stevenage eh? I'm about 20 mins up the road! Never been out in Stevenage except for a meal in the cinema complex.

Ah right yeah same I work weekends, going tottenham game on march 10th though, look to go to the london away games, went WHL mainly because my friend supports spurs, dad is the only other everton fan I know lol
Ah right yeah same I work weekends, going tottenham game on march 10th though, look to go to the london away games, went WHL mainly because my friend supports spurs, dad is the only other everton fan I know lol

Ha same with me mate but he's rarely up for going the games these days. Too long a drive for him when he's been working all week. I've been up by myself for the games I've been to so far this season. Sometimes go Chelsea away but not this season. Every other London away I can never get tiks! Even at Chelsea I had to sit in the home end.
Same with my dad he'll come like once a season, yeah only got spurs away because it was a night game, cup games in london would be the best bet for away games, ill just go by myself anyway

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